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Blogs and opinion

  • Straightpoint Load Cells: Pioneers in Precision Load Monitoring
    October 29, 2023

    Straightpoint Load Cells: Pioneers in Precision Load Monitoring

    In the realm of heavy industry, where safety and precision are paramount, Straightpoint has emerged as a stalwart provider of load cell and dynamometer technology. This innovative company has been at the forefront of the industry for decades, consistently delivering high-quality products that have revolutionized the way we measure and monitor heavy loads
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  • Why use a dynamometer or loadcell?
    March 28, 2023

    Why use a dynamometer or loadcell?

    Load cells or dynamometers are devices that are commonly used to measure the weight or force applied to a particular object. They are widely used in various industries, such as manufacturing, oil and gas, transportation and construction and rigged with...

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  • Proof Load Test: What is it and Why is it Important?
    March 30, 2021

    Proof Load Test: What is it and Why is it Important?

    There’s nobody better to ask than David Ayling, president at FAD Equipment Store, and former owner of load monitoring equipment manufacturer Straightpoint, now part of The Crosby Group.  A proof load test involves applying a load to a structure or...

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